In October 2021, Cyndy Keesler and I traveled from Michigan to the Four Corners states of Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Arizona. Our destinations included the major national parks and other popular attractions of that part of the United States: Arches, Canyonlands, Bryce, Zion, Capitol Reef, and Upper Antelope Canyon. We also went to some other places that were equally beautiful and fascinating: Bears Ears, Goblin Valley, Kodachrome Basin, Grand Staircase-Escalante, Pipe Spring, Goosenecks, Monument Valley, Valley of the Gods, Hovenweep, Pueblo of Jemez, Bandelier, and others. We had a good time, filling our days with walks, hikes, and photographs. Afterward, when we had arrived in Texas for the winter, I wrote and posted four blogs. Click on the links below to read them.
The adventure began with a quick hustle across the Midwest, eschewing the interstates and camping in remote areas. Our focus was our destinations: Arches, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef, Kodachrome Basin, Bryce, Grand Staircase-Escalante with their various trails and vistas.
Luxuriating is the keyword here … for two days and nights in the hot water baths of Riverbend Hot Springs in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico. Then we made a fast, two-day trip of 830 miles across the expanses of Texas to Goose Island State Park near the Gulf of Mexico.
Zion National Park has unique history as does Pipe Spring National Monument. We chanced upon the colorful Lake Powell Balloon Regatta on our way to Upper Antelope Canyon, White Pocket in Vermillion Cliffs, Goosenecks State Park, Monument Valley, and Valley of the Gods.
2021-12-17 Utah, Colorado, New Mexico
We took two hot air balloon rides in New Mexico. “The winds have welcomed you …” While the Earthship Biotecture community provides down-to-Earth sustainable living. Other highlights: Pueblo of Jemez, the caves of Bandelier National Monument, and long strolls in Petroglyph National Monument.