“Robert, Bruce Lipton and I are writing a book about humanity’s spiritual evolution and we need an editor,” came the voice of Steve Bhaerman over the telephone, expressing an invitation to edit the manuscript-in-process for Spontaneous Evolution.
Thanks to this wonderful adventure we call life, just about everyone has an idea or story or message to share. Some people verbalize to friends and colleagues. Some people journal a personal memoir or write a family history. Others craft a book to inspire or entertain thousands.
As a writer, I experience all of these scenarios: to speak, journal, create.
As an editor, I encounter people in various stages of expression: some with a percolating idea; some ready to craft that idea into a publishable book; and some with a nearly complete manuscript.
Every project is unique.
Rosalie Giffoniello had written great dialogue and captured wonderful human emotion for her book, Reclaiming Lives, but she had written according to random recollection; together, we organized the story pieces into a cohesive chronological order.
Alberto Villoldo and David Perlmutter had written their various chapters for Power Up Your Brain; my task was to blend their disparate writings into a consistent unit while retaining their individual style and voice.
Because of the gravity of her message and her work as a counselor, D’Ann Rohrbach compiled a comprehensive collection of case studies and advice in her self-help book, Life’s Healing Setups.
Bob Huttinga was only a few weeks away from a speaking engagement at a holistic health conference when he asked me to refine Put Your Health in Your Own Hands. Focusing primarily on mechanics while retaining Bob’s down-home style, we finished in time.
In equally swift fashion, Juliet Martine and I tweaked her second book, Manifestation Intelligence, in only seven weeks. Because she was in Australia and I in the United States, one worked while the other slept; we joked that the sun never set on our project.
Sometimes, a client wants me to comment on only part of a manuscript, as was the case with Message of Love by Anita Stevens and two books by Tianna Galgano, Decipher Your Dreams, Decipher Your Life and How to Meet Your Spirit Guides, Angels and Power Animals.
For Karen Horneffer-Ginter, author of Full Cup, Thirsty Spirit, I edited sample chapters and assisted with her book proposal.
Honestly, I love the variety of this work, each with individual situations and challenges. Being a generalist helps me adjust to distinct needs. I listen and read, then offer suggestions.
I strive to help each author present his or her message in the optimal manner, retaining voice and style while attaining maximum clarity and understanding for the reader.
Sometimes, a potential client and I don’t click. More often, we do. A few projects falter, usually for factors in the author’s life, external from the writing process.
But most of the manuscripts I’ve edited are now released from the confines of a note pad or computer. They are books, out in the world, influencing, benefiting, and making a difference in the life of the author and the lives of readers.
What ideas are wandering in your imagination? What is your message? What story do you have to offer?
Are you driven to bring it forth to an audience beyond your family and friends? Are you ready for a professional coach and editor?
Whether you’re an established or an emerging author, I can probably help you too.
Sportuality: Finding Joy in the Games by Jeanne Hess
Reclaiming Lives: Rediscovering Myself While Educating Kolkata’s Poor by Rosalie Giffoniello with Robert M. Weir
Life’s Healing Setups: Guidance to transform struggles into peace and live beyond your ego by D’Ann Rohrbach
Put Your Health in Your Own Hands: Natural Solutions to Create Amazing Health by Robert Huttinga
Decipher Your Dreams, Decipher Your Life: Decoding the Mysteries of Symbolism by Tianna Galgano
Full Cup, Thirsty Spirit: Nourishing the Soul When Life’s Just Too Much by Karen Horneffer-Ginter
Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future (and a Way to Get There from Here) by Bruce Lipton and Steve Bhaerman
Power Up Your Brain: The Neuroscience of Enlightenment by David Perlmutter and Alberto Villoldo
Entering Your Own Heart: A Guide to Developing Self Love, Inner Peace and Happiness by Carole J. (Meisner) Morton
Manifestation Intelligence: Your Ultimate Power for Creating Greater Health, Wealth, Happiness and Success by Juliet Martine
How to Meet Your Spirit Guides, Angels and Power Animals: Spiritual Guidance On Demand in 5 to 10 Minutes by Tianna Galgano